vendredi 7 novembre 2014

Constant Coughing With the Presence of Blood

In some cases, persistent coughing can produce blood. This type of on-going coughing spell can be caused by a plethora of different lung conditions. The appearance of the blood may be bright red, or it may assume a pink, almost frothy, appearance. The coughing may expel colored mucus that is streaked with blood. While the idea of coughing up blood may be repulsive to some individuals, it may be indicative of a potentially serious medical condition.
In most cases, the condition is not serious, but in these instances, it is better to be safe, rather than sorry. Constant coughing that produces blood is also commonly known as hemoptysis. The frequency of one's coughing can often cause trace amounts of blood to appear.
In actuality, the blood that is produced by constant coughing [] may not be coming from a person's upper respiratory tract. For example, if a person's stomach is bleeding internally, the blood may be expelled through coughing. It is highly important for a doctor to determine where the source of the bleeding is originating from. In most adults, the primary causes of constant coughing with blood can be attributed to chronic bronchitis or bronchiectasis. The appearance of blood in constant coughing is often seen in individuals who smoke. Over extended periods of time, smoking can lead to COPD, emphysema, lung abscesses, and even lung cancer. If a person has cystic fibrosis or a parasitic infection in the lungs, these can also lead to causes of blood in phlegm or mucus.
If an individual is suffering from coughing with blood, it is preferable that he or she should seek medical attention immediately. Only a medical professional can accurately diagnose the cause of the blood traces. Internal bleeding, no matter how minute, can become a serious condition if left untreated. If the traces of blood begin to increase or the bleeding will not stop, then a person should bypass making a doctor's appointment and head straight for the emergency room. In most cases, hemoptysis is treatable, and an individual will not suffer repeated bouts of the ailment.
However, if left untreated, the condition could potentially become life threatening.

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