Kennel cough is like the common cold for dogs and should not warrant excessive worry or concern. Doctors will often prescribe drugs or medication for your pet who is just having a mild case of this. In looking for a natural solution, pet owners can use the following three natural herbs as a course of treatment. They are easy to obtain and do not harm your dog's body. In fact, some people use these natural ingredients to cure themselves from the flu without taking medication.
#1 Raw Honey
Did you know that honey can ease the pain of coughing?
Since honey is likely to be found in your kitchen, it is the quickest way to help your dog feel relief once you notice any coughing or wheezing. Mix one teaspoon with a cup of warm water and give it to your dog in his usual water bowl. Alternatively, use a medicine dropper and drip the honey mixture directly into the mouth. A few drops every hour will moisten your dog's throat and ease the coughing. I personally use this whenever I feel a cough or sore throat coming.
#2 Peppermint
No. Don't give your dog peppermint breath fresheners.
Peppermint is a common herb grown in the garden. Instead of specially buying peppermint tea bags, you can add fresh peppermint leaves to any tea you already have at home. Make a very strong peppermint tea and drip a few drops into your dog's mouth every hour till the coughing stops. You could add some honey to the tea to make it sweeter.
#3 Wild Cherry Bark
Wild cherry bark creates a cooling effect on the throat and can reduce inflammation, thus stopping the cough. You may have to purchase this at a herbal store or pharmacy in the form of a tea, syrup or tincture. Mixing the recommended dosage for children together with water is a very good thirst quencher for your dog. As wild cherry bark is a slightly bitter herb, you probably want to add some honey to this mixture too.
These 3 natural herbs are common treatments for kennel cough. They are inexpensive, easy to obtain and also easy to administer to your dog by mixing with water. Drugs and medicinal prescriptions are not necessary in the early stages of kennel cough. Be attentive and observant towards your dog and these natural cures will suffice for its recovery. However, if coughing persists for more than 2 weeks or sounds too serious, do consult your vet.
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